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hi Julie this is Jim i wanted to give you my testimony. When I met rick it was through my dad. He helped my dad and after that my dad was on fire. He wanted me to meet this man and I thought this is weird. I don’t believe in this demon stuff. Dad said lets just have lunch with him. he is my friend and I want you to meet him. so we met for lunch and I should say my life was messed up then.  I had went to treatment 2 times before this and I was still miserable even though I wasn’t drinking for over 2 years. My marriage was all but over. I didn’t like her and she didn’t like me. too many years of hurts.  It looked impossible. So anyway  my dad and me met rick for lunch one day and ya he seemed like a nice guy who had some experience in counseling or something.  I could see how my dad would like him. but when my dad got up to go to the bathroom this guy told me something about myself that no one in the world knew except me and god. I was freaked out and started crying. He told me things about my wife and marriage and said there is hope. Was there hope for me and my marriage. I asked if he would counsel us and he said yes but my wife didn’t go for it.  But in a few weeks things got so bad that my wife called my dad to basically say she was giving up. She couldn’t take it anymore. My dad asked her if she would meet rick and she said yes so they called him and he went there and listened to them. they then called me to come home and talk and rick asked if we would follow his program for 40 days and see what would happen.  we agreed and he said he wanted to pray for us. So we sat there as he prayed but it was a different prayer then what I was used to.  Anyway while he prayed he came by me and just said you voices in his head shut up now and then he went to my wife who had at that time some terrible pain in her ribs, she actually thought maybe she had a broken rib and he prayed for healing in her rib and that was it.  Then after that he told us the assignment he had for us and when my wife got up to give him our phone number she said this is freaking me out my ribs don’t hurt anymore. What was so weird was for the first time in my life I didn’t hear this voice in my head that told me I was a failure and a bad person. It literally changed my life. Now we are doing much work with him but we are doing really good. then later one day rick said we have covered a lot of ground and I think it is time for you to go to the next level spiritually so we got together at my brothers office and prayed and these things in me started going crazy and causing my face to act weird and it was speaking terrible stuff out of my mouth and rick just made it leave. It was a hard thing to deal with at first because I never heard of such a thing but after a couple days I knew that my life was really different. I am now believing that I will go the next level and do that speaking in tongues.  I have learned how to turn my business over to god and my family and everything else.  I am struggling with it but it is getting easier everyday. Rick said I have to form new habits to go with my new life. Anyway thank you for your ministry and your  help cause I know you put a lot into this too.



Testimony for Daily Life Ministry


My Name is ‘Laurel” and I live in Connecticut. My life has been truly blessed through Daily Life Ministry.  Rick Walth has a powerful anointing for deliverance ministry.  His amazing ability to hear from God gives him the insight to lead captives from darkness to The Light of life.

The Holy Spirit works through Rick to bring to light things long hidden in the remote dark places of our being.  I have been a Christian all my life and proclaimed Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior since my teen years.  I learned about the Holy Spirit and Spiritual warfare post college when God placed me in a nurturing, loving, Spirit filled church of believers. My life was blessed with sound scriptural teaching, a great education, a loving supportive family, strong work ethic and an uninterrupted career.  On the outside I looked great, but inside I was plagued with fears, insecurities and bouts of negativity.  I held anger and unforgiveness towards my mother and was unable to reconcile our relationship.  If the Prince of peace dwelled in my heart then I should know peace! If the Lord of love, compassion and forgiveness ruled my heart then I should be loving, compassionate and forgiving to ALL!  If I knew all these spiritual truths then why couldn’t I just pray these negative things away by myself??

“The TRUTH shall set you free.”  I needed help to get to the truth, the deepest root of why I was still carrying baggage from the past. I needed my eyes opened to see how the enemy still had a grip over certain areas of my life. Through journaling and lots of prayer for the Holy Spirit to bring to light the things I needed to be delivered from, God was able to reach down deep and bring to my memory the deepest root of fear that came into me when I was a very young girl abused by my Uncle.  God also helped me to see my mom with new eyes and understand how her heart had been plagued by fears and insecurities. She loved me the best she could and I have a new God given compassion to love her and to no longer think that her unhappiness was my fault.  I am so thankful for how I have been set free to walk in confidence. I am no longer fearfully self-conscience; I have the God of the universe walking with me. I am His blessed creation and now He is calling me to be a blessing to others. I must boldly step out in Faith with the gifts He has given me and with a thankful heart, help to lead others to a loving and compassionate Savior whose heart’s desire is to set the captives free!!

Thanks be to God. He has done wonderful things.

Thank you to Daily Life Ministry for their commitment to serving the Lord above self.


Blessed to be a blessing,

“Laurel” a crown of Victory

CT 2009


I had an issue with anxiety. Not something that was very apparent to others but something I kept to myself. Like a duck swimming on a pond I appeared calm but below the surface my mind was racing with thoughts of worry. The biggest concern was losing my job. This is something I have worried about my adult life and with the recent economic situation and with many friends losing their jobs, the fear and worry became overwhelming. Fore years vacations were filled with guilt and worry rather than relaxation. Sunday evenings brought anxiety that I should have been working more over the weekend. Sleepless nights filled with worry were common place.  Prayer and counseling helped to some degree but I could not ever shake the fear out of my thoughts.


Through my work with Rick and prayer I have been able to conquer this anxiety and it is no longer is a part of my life.   The thoughts come back sometimes but more out of years habit than anything else. When they do I can easy toss them aside and the work of the enemy.  Ironically two weeks after winning my battle over my anxiety about my job, my employer offered me a large retention bonus if I stay at the company for 1 more year.  It’s seems they fear I may leave. 


This may not compare to other testimonies you may see on this site. After all who is not worried in these difficult times?  But this was different.  The fear, anxiety and worry I had was dark and encompassed my every thought. I had prayed long and hard for help and it was answered.  Praise God



During my first mission trip to Bay Saint Louis as a relief volunteer for Hurricane Katrina, I met a man named Rodney who lived across the street from the mission house where I stayed.  When we first drove up to the mission base camp, we were “greeted” by a very angry man (Rodney) who cursed us severely that first day as he continued to do every time we were outside while he sat in a chair in his front yard across the street from our mission house.  I was deeply concerned about Rodney and we began praying for him at least 2-3 times a day.  This went on until the fourth day when I was severely injured while working on gutting my 3rd house.  I was helping another volunteer lift a toilet onto a wheelbarrow when it broke apart and the sharp porcelain cut a 6” long gash about 2.5” deep, cutting a lot of muscle and two tendons on my right forearm.  I was fortunate that the town’s hospital had just re-opened its ER two days earlier and a surgeon was available to be called in to sew my arm back together (110 stitches).  I could have looked at the ordeal as bad luck, but I was determined to make something positive out of my remaining 4-days.  When I returned back to our base camp, Rodney was outside like he was every day, but this time he didn’t curse me when he saw me.  Perhaps it was because I was obviously injured, or maybe something else.  I didn’t go outside the next day (Saturday) because I was a little unsteady on my feet due to the pain medication.  On Sunday I went outside and walked over to Rodney, asking him how he was doing and if we could talk awhile.  He said he didn’t feel good, but he might feel like talking later on that day.  I went back over to see Rodney on Sunday afternoon and we talked for about 1-hour.  He told me about his nephew and his family leaving the 65-year old alone to face Hurricane Katrina alone for about 9 hours.  He was so scared and depressed that he began drinking heavily, and he soon began cursing and threatening relief workers at Christian Relief.   Since I was no longer able to work on “gutting & cutting”, I was able to meet with Rodney a few times a day and we began to bond.  Rodney had stopped drinking the night that I came back from the hospital, making it possible for him to begin to deal with the events which had transpired.  A few other people from Christian Relief (started & headed up by Pastor Rick Walth) were also able to talk with Rodney over the next few days.  I learned later that Rodney’s nephew came back for him and Rodney is now living with his nephew and his family in a town further inland.  Rodney has accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and he is soon to be baptized.  I truly believe Rodney’s life turned around because of our prayers and because of how God was using us to minister to him during this time of darkness in his life.  One of the reasons I returned to Mississippi, just 10 days following removal of  the outer stitches in my arm, was because you never know when there might be another “Rodney” who needs prayer and someone to listen to his story.  The lesson learned by this story is that we never know how or when God may call upon us to serve in a special way that could help bring someone to Christ.  God often uses ordinary people filled with the Spirit to do His work.




James 2:14 – “What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? 






During a message in church our pastor talked about forgiveness and surrendering ourselves to the Lord’s way of doing things.  I sat in church broken that day knowing the weight I had been carrying for 45 years.  I was sick to death of the heaviness.  As I grew in the Lord the conviction in my heart grew too.  I begged the Lord to take away the heaviness and I heard him say go to each one in your family and apologize for the things you have done, said and thought that were against them and Me.  I did go to all of them and I felt lighter for a while but I wanted all the weight gone permanently.  The sin cycle in my life continued whenever I was with my father.  He would say something that hurt me deeply and I would attack him either in thought or word out of my anger, rejection and bitterness.   The weight would be back.  I would spend a week repenting for my reaction.  The next time I saw him the sin cycle would start all over again.  Six months after the forgiveness message at church that highlighted my need to get right with the Lord, Pastor Rick came to CT to visit us.  I asked him whether it was a sin that I never wanted to see my father again.  He said you have not forgiven him.  I told him I was willing but the unforgiveness wouldn’t leave.  He said, “The bitter root has not been found.   Are you willing to count the cost?”  I said, “I will do anything to get rid of the weight once and for all.”  I started the process, which simply meant allowing God to search my soul to find anything that may have established a bitter root, anything that I needed to repent for that was buried under shame, pride and guilt.  God searched me for any area where I had agreed with the lies of the enemy that were keeping me from being everything that God wanted me to be.  It seemed like it would never end.  I wrote pages to Rick.  After praying and writing for 2.5 months Rick scheduled a trip to CT for my deliverance.  The Lord told him I had to go back to my parents.  With much reluctance, because of all the rejection I20had received over the years from my parents, I went.  The results (because God sent me this time) were amazing.  I had to honor my parents with the good things they did that caused positive identity in me.  I had to teach them about generational curses and was able so show specific examples of these in their lives, my life and my children’s lives.  Lastly I had to tell them what they did that hurt me deeply and caused me to have negative identity about myself. Here is the fruit of the effectiveness of what has happened to me. My life has never been the same.  I am not hearing negative voices in my head any longer.  I don’t battle in my mind with my father.  I don’t have the heaviness any longer.  Jesus took that heavy yolk from me.  My relationship with my father is, for the for the first time in my life, restored to the way God would want it.  < /span>He hasn’t changed but the poison darts he shoots at me don’t penetrate my heart and affect me.  My greatest desire is to get other’s the help they need.  The church is filled with hurting people and no one knows what to do about it.  Churches are afraid of deliverance and they have every right to be if they don't know the power of the Holy Spirit and they don’t understand what the Word says about this topic. Last time Rick was here, our 1000 square foot living room was FULL of church people wanting to know move about deliverance.  Rick teased my husband and said “You either need to ask God for bigger house or a wife with a smaller mouth.”  I looked at Pastor Rick, laughed and said, “I m meeting these people for the first time too.” Since deliverance I hear God’s voice more clearly and He continues to give me opportunities to share my testimony.  I have a peace and jo y that is uncomprehendable  in my heart. For all you woman who are reading this……… I couldn’t understand the love of our heavenly father because I didn’t think I was worthy of the love of my earthly father. Now I have both! God can do anything …………..You  just need to believe!

About this time last year, my husband-to-be went to Iowa to meet with Rick to receive deliverance ministry.  When we talked about it and he said, “you should get cleaned out too”.

I was initially offended. Why would I need deliverance? God had dealt with me so much in healing my heart in the past year, by using pastors and church leaders to counsel me, and dig up past roots that I didn’t know were there.

            About six months later, Rick said he was “getting stuff on me” meaning, he was hearing from the Father about my life and about what He wanted to do in me. I was open to see what God had for me, so I began the process of prayer and confession.

            Rick came out and prayed for me a few months after that. That session was good. God was very gentle with me and we went after a root of rejection; a big one in my life. My reactions towards Bryce, my fiancée, were totally different after that. God completely renewed my mind and cleaned out past judgments towards men that were unknowingly affecting me and my relationships!

But God wasn’t done with me yet. About 3 months after my initial deliverance, I was watching a movie which contained a random and unexpected sex scene. It startled me, and caused me to react in a way was surprising, to both myself and to Bryce who sat beside me. Immediately I turned away, covered my ears and started crying hysterically. Bryce tried to comfort me by putting his arm around me but I pushed him away. I was terrified and my body was responding physically to what I had seen. I was sweating, freezing and aroused all at the same time. Suddenly I sat up and stated, “Somebody touched me, and I didn’t want them to”.  In that moment God allowed me to see that as a young girl I had been sexually abused.

For the next week, it was as though hell had been released on me directly.  Countless times I woke up at night feeling as though someone was touching me; I was seeing dark images, and overall being tormented. That week my fiancée prayed over me several times with Rick on the line, but these demons in me were strong. When the blood of Jesus and name of Jesus were being spoken over me the demons would respond. That is the power of my God! My back would arc and my body would twitch as though they were fighting back. The Lord revealed to me that I had been in agreement with the enemy through secret sin and through my thought life. I was shocked to find out how my double mindedness in struggling with repeated sexual sin had given place to demons to stay in my life! I would always feel convicted after sinning and repent before God.  He would forgive me, but I couldn’t figure out why this habitual sin was so impossible to overcome. That week, God revealed the exact demon I was dealing with, but I was unable to speak it out because the demon had control of my tongue.

Rick couldn’t get to us soon enough, so that Friday night we were blessed to go to a church who had been dealing with spiritual warfare all week. I walked in the door, expressed I needed deliverance, and fell on the floor with violent manifestations in the form of kicking, screaming and writhing. This had never happened to me!  I was a Christian!!!!! I was confused. A lot came out that night and people prayed over me for several hours. I felt better in the end, but not normal or even good. I walked out of that situation with a lot of fear.

I had many questions. Why would I have no authority over this stuff when Jesus said that I do? Why was it taking so long for these things to leave? Why did I not know this stuff was there? Over the next few months God answered all of those questions. He showed me that I do have the authority, and He wanted to teach me just that. It was His grace that I didn’t know about this my whole life. He had allowed me to come to a place of greater spiritual maturity so that I could deal with these demons.

On Labor Day weekend we went out to see Rick. It had to be over; I couldn’t take it anymore! I was so done with feeling like crap, and my walk with God was suffering. Rick prayed over me and more came out, mostly through coughing this time.  The deliverance was more peaceful then that horrific night at the church. By this time I had repented of my sin and was in agreement with the truth of God’s word. That made a difference.

On my way home I finally felt joy, which was straight from God. But still, I felt a weight on me. Rick’s wife Julie discerned that I needed to get rid of some old journals.  Every day until I got rid of them I would walk in the house and cry not knowing why, until I remembered the journals. That weekend I burned them and felt even more free! She was so right! I had been disobedient because God had told me to let go of the past long ago, and holding onto these journals was a physical example of how I hadn’t!

Then the depression returned! “God what is going on” I cried! I had been recently married and my emotions were out of control. I would be happy one minute and crying hysterically the next. I didn’t even know what was making me sad! I just lacked motivation and joy, and fear was still there!!! I called Rick. He referred me to his friend Mike. He said He wasn’t hearing anything else from God. So I called Mike and he prayed with me. Mike had me pray over myself for deliverance, because he said the demons thought I was a coward. That made me mad! So I decided to take the authority that Jesus has given me once and for all, and command those demons by name to get out of me! They manifested at the sound of my voice in Jesus name and then the most amazing thing happened! The Holy Spirit filled me up with so much joy that I couldn’t stop laughing! Over the next couple of days God also led me to take authority over sickness, such as allergies and menstrual cramps that have plagued me for years, and the symptoms have left my body! It has been 3 weeks since the Father set me free, and I have been filled with so much joy and peace! Contentment has returned to my life and even the mundane tasks feel like worship when I keep my eyes on the Father. When satan tries to come back through the gateways of my mind or eyes I have learned to take the authority that I have been given through Jesus Christ to rebuke the enemy, making every thought captive to Jesus Christ. Jesus wants to set so many free, and if we would just allow Him to search our hearts and realize that His plans for us are good, we would see that He loves us and has our best interest in mind!

I was unaware throughout my childhood and most of my life until just a few months ago that I lived under a spirit of rejection. As a child and young adult I was unaware that this spirit of rejection was passed onto to me through my father.  It had been passed to him by his mother and more than likely was passed to her by her parents. 

I grew up in a large family and a loving home.  I really wanted for nothing and I knew I was loved.  Despite this positive situation I always had a low self-esteem and a negative self-image.  My whole life I felt the need to please people in order to be liked or acknowledged.  I didn’t believe I was worthy of other peoples’ attention unless I did something for them or demonstrated my worth in some way.  When I was rebuffed by others, or experienced any type of rejection it was devastating to me.  I was shy, withdrawn and feared relationships because I feared rejection.


I came to a saving faith and began a relationship with Jesus Christ in my early twenties.  After beginning my walk with the Lord the Holy Spirit began to show me things about myself that I needed to change and work on.  I went through counseling in my late twenties and I even went through a faith-based weight loss program in my early thirties to overcome an addiction to eating/food.  Both of these experiences were positive and the Lord taught me a lot through them.  I was able to lose 65 pounds during the weight loss program, but even when I finished the program, I knew I was not completely free from the food issue.


As I began this process of inner healing with Rick Walth in May 09 the Lord began to show me that I didn’t know Him, really KNOW HIM.  I didn’t know His Love.  Yes, I knew it in my head, but I didn’t know it, OR BELIEVE IT, in my heart.  He showed me that all these other issues I had struggled with were really just the tips of the iceberg I had never dealt with, this spirit of rejection.  I began to pray scriptures about God’s unfailing love and His promise to me about that love.


Two days before my deliverance I was praying Ephesians 3:16-19 for myself and God gave me an image in my mind of these verses.  God was on His throne, He was a brilliant white light and He was reaching down into a large pot of “riches” and thrusting what looked like gold dust into my chest.  It was an image of God giving me the power to grasp His love for me.  It was an awesome image and when I went through deliverance that same image came to mind along with an image of Jesus and I sitting on a beach with my head resting in Jesus’ lap. 


During my deliverance I just kept asking God to “fill me up”.  I couldn’t stop repeating these words.  Rick asked if I had ever received the anointing of the Spirit.  I said no and so someone prayed for the anointing of the Spirit.  Once I received the Spirit’s anointing I felt light-headed and eventually I had to lie down on the couch.  I continued to ask God to fill me up and I felt such a sense of peace.  Rick shared an image of a soaring eagle with small birds dive-bombing it and the larger eagle tucking and rolling away.  Such an interesting image because I had heard a song about it being “time to fly to freedom” in the car on my way to my appointment with Rick.


In the days that followed I remember being so aware of God’s love for me.  This idea of being loved would come to mind in the middle of daily routine and it would bring with it such a sweet feeling and warmth.  I continued to ask God to fill me up, but I couldn’t understand why I would ask for this so much.  God gave me an image of dry, brittle, broken clay with water being dripped onto it one drop at a time.  He told me that it would take a lot of water to fill my dry, brittle, broken self.  I needed to just keep coming to Him to be restored.

It hasn’t been easy since my deliverance.  Rick’s image of the eagle being taunted by smaller birds has certainly been my experience, but I am so much more aware of God’s voice.  I am closer to Him now than I have been in a long time and I am hearing from Him clearly about what to do about different issues in my life, yet I don’t feel condemn, I know I am loved.  And there is a peacefulness within my self that I can only explain as by the fact that this spirit of rejection is gone.  I know I have things to work on but I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Amen.

I found out about Rick’s ministry through a friend of mine who was also going through “the process”.  At first I was quite unsure & a bit skeptical when my friend was going through it.  I was surprised when God told me that I was to intercede for her.  I ended up sitting in on & being a part of one of her deliverance meetings with Rick.  Immediately upon walking into the meeting, I felt the presence of the Lord.  All nervousness, all doubt, all skepticism, completely went away.  It was amazing to witness my friend go through this process & it was then that I knew that I had to go through this ministry as well.  The fruit of this ministry is amazing; not for one minute have I regretted going through this process!

         I started the process as a little girl full of fear.  I was afraid of almost anything & everything; especially the dark & always felt like I was being kept in the dark.  At the time I was struggling with much discouragement, hopelessness, restlessness, sleeplessness, & anxiety, to say the least!  I was being tormented in so many ways & I was crying out to God for help & relief!  My chest was always filled with the pain of a broken heart & the anxiety that sometimes felt like it was eating me away from the inside, out.  I just couldn’t understand why I was still in bondage to fear & anxiety, even though God promises in His Word, that He sets the captives free & He gives us peace.  I was so desperate!  In addition to all this, I was about to make what I think was one of the most important & difficult decisions of my life at the time; the weight of this decision was too much to bear & I was about to break under the pressure!  It was trial by fire!!!  God’s timing for this deliverance & bringing me to Rick’s ministry couldn’t have been any more perfect!  I couldn’t have done it alone! 

Going through this process with Rick & the Holy Spirit, was just what I needed to get to the root of why I wasn’t yet free as a Christian.  I am still so amazed & in awe of how the Holy Spirit moves in this ministry.  I praise God because He brought things to my attention & to the surface that I needed to deal with & face, that I would’ve ever been able to come up with on my own.  This happened through dreams, open visions, and/or God speaking in an audible voice during personal prayer times. 

One of the greatest things that came out of going through this ministry is the new revelation I have about Father God.  Just before I started going through the process with Rick, the Lord showed me in a vision, how my earthly father had slapped me across the face when I was in middle school.  I was devastated & completely humiliated; I know because I saw it all over again & relived it.  I saw myself crying in my homeroom classroom at school.  I did not remember this until God showed me; nor did I think this was an issue.  My Dad was a great Dad; always involved in my life & loved me very much.  And yet, I started noticing, that even as good of a childhood I thought I had; there were things that happened that had broken my spirit and/or my heart when I was a child.  My father slapping me was just one of these things.  God showed me how even this one incident has caused me to have a wrong perception of my Father in Heaven & caused me not to trust Him.  At the beginning of the deliverance process I had a hard time because I wasn’t letting God in.  But, I quickly learned that God does not correct & discipline the way my earthly father had.  God does not humiliate, harm, or threaten us in any way.  Instead, our Father in Heaven, is extremely gentle, always loving, patient, kind, & slow to anger, when He disciplines & corrects us!  As this reality sunk in, I started to trust God for the first time!  It was then & only then, that I could allow the Holy Spirit to go into the deep recesses of my heart & show me the darkness that was there.  You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light” Psalm 18:28.   For the first time in my life I was overcoming the shame & guilt that had buried all this gunk I was holding onto all these years.  The Lord also showed me that the teasing from my father & siblings, saying that I was adopted, was the cause to my root of rejection.  This rejection was an open door for things to operate in my life that were not of God & was a foothold for the enemy.

But, the GOOD NEWS is that God has healed & delivered me on so many levels (in the name of Jesus), that I am able to move on for the first time in my life!!!!  I realized that I wasn’t completely delivered from my past involvements in the occult & new age; even though as a Christian, I had previously renounced & repented of such things.  But, now I have been delivered & set free from any generational involvement in the occult or witchcraft, as well as my own involvement.  In one of my sessions with Rick, I was delivered from a spirit of divination.  After I got delivered of this, everything changed; I could hear God’s voice more, I started to sleep & have more God dreams, & reading the Word of God became fresh& alive again, instead of the religious experience that it had become.  Now I can see how an occult spirit really keeps the truth about Jesus & ourselves covered & hidden in the dark!  I experienced such breakthrough after I was delivered from that spirit! 

I also came to realize that many of my patterns of anxiety came from trying to please & be accepted by my father & my family members; mainly through performance.  Much of my anxiety stemmed from the fear that I would do the wrong thing or make a wrong decision.  Failure was not an option.  I had to be perfect!  This would constantly send me into a tail spin anytime I had to make even minor decisions.  If I failed in any way, it would be debilitating for me.  But, post-deliverance, I now know in my spirit, that I am acceptable to my God, I have been adopted into His family, & I don’t have to fear rejection or failure anymore!!!!  This truth has relieved me of so much pressure & anxiety to perform in all areas of my life!  I have become more dependant on God.  The prideful idol I built & put up of myself, in order o feel good about myself, has been cast down & shattered!  I have been humbled yet again & it is wonderful!  I can finally just “BE” more often than feeling like I have to “DO” all the time!  I am continually learning how to rest in my Father’s presence, to be still, & to sit at His feet.  I am at peace more often than not.  I continue to walk in this new freedom day by day, by God’s grace!!!  I am not perfect, but God is.  So many new freedoms that I cherish so dearly!  One of the greatest is  knowing that I can pour out my soul to God & cry out to Him with all my might.  In my spirit I just know that God loves me, cares for me, listens to me, & answers me!  The new discipline that I am now walking out with God, is to keep my mind on the NOW moment & not to let my mind wander into the past or into the worries about the future.  This has brought me such peace & rest.  I am able to sleep again & any restlessness I experience I just bring it to God immediately!  I am not that little girl anymore that is afraid of the dark & feels like she’s always kept in the dark.  I have come out of this season of deliverance as a more mature Christian, who has been truly rescued from the dark & brought into the light!!!!!  Thank you Jesus!  And thank you Rick & Julie!  God Bless You Guys!



 "Do not be afraid," Samuel replied. "You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own.”  1 Samuel 12:20-22       HALLELUJAH!


Do you find it hard to read the bible? Or do you find it hard to read a journal? Are there many things in the bible that you don’t understand? Do you want to change, but you’re not able to? In this case I want to ask you to read the following:


I am allergic to many things as long  as I can remember. It started right after my birth. I was allergic to baby-food. I became more and more allergic to many of things. There have been times I could only eat rice and Brussels chicory. I have been in the hospital many times. Sometimes for many weeks. In the last ten years there were only fifteen products I could eat.


Unfortunately, a few years back, I also got hypersensitive for radiation (from radio-towers, mobile phones, computers etc.) This became a huge problem for me, because I couldn’t block the sensitivity for radiation out. I could avoid the food I was allergic to,  but I couldn’t block the sensitivity for radiation out. I slept under a mosquito-net which blocked the radiation and was just going t paint the walls with paint that would block out radiation. I had to this because the neighbours purchased a laptop and they got wireless internet. Every moment they were going to use the laptop, I couldn’t be in my living-room.



In march of this year, I heard from friends that an American evangelist is coming to the Netherlands to speak in services. God gave him a gift to heal people. My friend met him in America and now he was coming to the Netherlands. To Bennekom of all places!

Many friends and family were enthusiastic about this event. Not me. I thought it scary an weird. I didn’t want any of it to get close to me. For the last year I was quite good in surviving. Life was reasonable liveable. I will survive! Let me be!


Saturday-evening was the first service. I was very happy that I couldn’t attend. I was happy that I couldn’t go. My daughter took part in a musical-performance in a theatre. I couldn’t stay away from that.


The next evening there was another service. From different sides people told me that I had to come. Those service were special. They were telling me that if I had something else planned, to just cancel it. We actually planned to go to my cousins birthday. But something started to tickle me: ”Why not leave the party early, so I could attend the service?” There were many reasons I could think of, excuses why not to attend the service. But I made the decision to go to the service. This whole week I had been nervous, but this Sunday it was on it’s worst. Why? I felt a big aversion when I arrived in church. I didn’t like the atmosphere very much ( I wasn’t happy at all). I thought the music was  a little to much of everything. The people who jumped at the music didn’t make me feel any better. This was not for me. I didn’t feel at home. In the service the evangelist asked if there was anyone who wanted to come forward for prayer. Not me, never of my life! This is not for me! There was also an call to come forward if you wanted to change your life? How is it possible to change trough prayer? Isn’t it true that you’ll stay your old self when you believe in God? After the service, my friend asked me if I would allow her to pray for me. No, I replied, that’s not necessary, I can make it. She became emotional. She told me that she loved me.

She showed me that this was the opportunity  I waited for the last couple of years. What do you’ve got to lose? I started to cry because of her tears and my nerves. I became confused. What a spiritual warfare! I was not able to choose. I didn’t know what to do. It  just wasn’t working for me. Right at that moment Rick and Julie (the American evangelist and his wife) stood before me and my husband. My friend asked me if she could tell Rick my story. He asked me if he could pray for me. Okay, alright then. Things couldn’t get any worse, do they? After the prayer, I felt absolutely nothing. I was asking myself: is this all? Rick told me to make an appointment with him an Julie so we could talk and pray some more. I thought: maybe, but let’s go home. Now!


The next morning, I brought my youngest daughter to school.  The first thing I thought of on my way to school was: “People, can’t you see that I’ve been changed?” I was shocked by that thought! What is happening here? I walk the same road as I do every day. I’m not dressed differently. Why should I be different? I am just the same old me! Right? Well, I am a little bit more emotional the last few days. So was everybody that attended the services. They were all touched in some way.


I came home and I had no problems making the appointment. Two days later Rick and Julie arrived at my home. This was best for my allergy (dust, pets, plants, smoke, etc.) We have had a conversation and Rick prayed for me. After the prayer I felt absolutely nothing. Rick felt that I was healed and encouraged me to eat something that I couldn’t eat because of my allergy. Something I immediately would react to.

No way! I am not going to drink any milk. You could immediately take me to the hospital. I have to be there within ten minutes otherwise I would die. After much hesitation, I took a zip of milk. It didn’t go very well. Rick and Julie were a little disappointed and they went home. That evening I suddenly wanted to eat cucumber and tomato. First a little bite. Then a piece. And later the whole tomato. It all went well? Could this really be true?


While we were praying in our home, two people stood at the door ringing the bell. A friend that came with Rick and Julie to translate had asked God that people at the outside couldn’t see us inside the house.

Later that evening we thanked the people who rang at our doorbell and left us a plant. They told us they had to leave the plant in front of the door, because there was no one at home?

The next day a controller from a benefits agency showed up at the door. He told us that he had been at the door before, but nobody was at home. That’s the reason he came by a second time. I had never heard of the fact that you could pray for things like this. But God really was present here!


Now, a few months later, I eat almost everything. A few product I don’t eat yet. They’re the ones I react to the most: nuts, milk and eggs. But the day will come that I will eat and drink these also. Everyday, I enjoy every bite of what I eat. Now, I have to follow a diet again. This time for losing weight!


During the time all this is happening, I discovered something else that God has given me. His Holy Spirit. I wasn´t aware of His existence. If you don´t know it, you won´t miss it. But now I will not live without Him, ever!

After a few days, I suddenly realized that songs in songbooks surely are written by people who are able to listen to God, through His Holy Spirit.

That´s the way they receive the lyrics. Ofcourse that´s the reason why those songs are so beautiful and touching people. Now, I suddenly realized that the songs I heard at night and in the morning were sentences from God. And just like that, without any education about this, I started to encourage people with songs and lyrics I heard. It was so natural. I just did it! So carefree!


I got an enormous urge to know everything of the bible. I couldn´t stop reading it. Many times at night, God gave me a song and its explanation and the name of the person to whom I can give the song to. God gave me a song too. It took me three days to understand it.  One sentence of that song touched me the most. You´re shadow protects me. A few days later, I suddenly understood that God protects me and my mosquito-net that blocked out radiation could be thrown away. Till this day that net is still gone. I’m grateful to Rick and Julie. That they live in the service of God, the way they do. To heal and set people free. It’s God who heals, but they are prepared to do this.


All my years of searching are over. They couldn’t find any cure for me. They couldn’t help me in the regular health-services. Doctors had done what they could do. But my sickness could not be healed. I had to learn to live with this. For me, this was not liveable. So I continued searching. I ended up in the alternative circuit. It seemed more logical than find the solution with God. The institutes I went to are to many to write down. I will name a few:

-       Acupuncture

-       Brio-resonance

-       Chiropractic

-       Homoeopathy

-       JMT: Jaffe-Mellor Technics

-       Osteopathy

-       Touch for health

-       Plantar reflex

I have to say that there were methods that worked for a while. Every time, they gave me some hope to go on. I clinged to something new over and over again. All the specialists told me that they could be of significant help. Not one of these methods brought complete healing.

Time after time I have prayed to God and asked Him if those methods weren’t wrong. I felt that I was conscious coping with this.

But now, I finally understand that I was asking for an answer, but I never listened to the answers. I could not hear, what God wanted to tell me through the Holy Spirit.


More and more I become familiar with everything that happens in my life. I let God lead my life. I see many things. I hear and feel a lot. And all of that has to take its place. It gives a very good feeling. I would advice it to everyone. Take that step towards God.

I have to say in all honesty that if I had to choose between my allergy for food and the receiving of the Holy Spirit, I’d choose the Holy Spirit. The best part is that I don’t have to choose ! I got both from God! Ask God to come into your life. Let your life be led by God. In the morning I ask God what is it You want me to do  today? I may phone people, email people and talk to people. I have many conversations. Every day is always different from what I have planned. My life really has changed! I’m enjoying every bit of it. Everyday. I’m so grateful that God took me out of isolation. He has set me free! Jesus is alive! And so am I.



I'm Stefan Smit, I was born in Rotterdam, Holland. When I was little I was different and I was going to a special care school. There they say there was something completely wrong whit me, and they send me to a psychiatrist, first to Groningen because there was no place in our neighborhood and later in Nijmegen. At first the psychiatrists thought I had McDD and ADHD, autism McDD is a kind of anxiety disorder. In Nijmgen I am well again examined and the psychiatrist told my mother that I had  classic autism because I had too many features of autism.

I made a lot of problems and had the wrong friends, those guys knew that they get me mad easily and then they let me do all things. For example, on a time a few years ago, they had fireworks and it was not good anymore. Because I always dare everything , because off my autism I saw no danger. They made me do the fireworks. That was not good, the fireworks exploded in my hand and one finger had a hole in it that was so big that you could look completely in it.

I had burning wounds  and was rushed to hospital. Because my mother know many people and many churches there has been a lot of prayers for me and my hand is completely healed and I have almost no scars. And yet I thought God was stupid and I could not believe it. I always thought Christians stupid, they have smooth talking but also do bad things.

In the spring of 2010 I met Rick I, my mother had said things about them and wanted me to come to the church and meet him. Faith was not for me so I immediately went home again. That same evening, Rick agreed with my mother that my mother would come to America, and of course, I didn’t want to go . Because of my autism it was hard for me to leave home. When I went on vacation or something with my family my behavior was so bad then, I often argue because I did not like to go. But we went to America and it was fun.

Rick brought us to a woman named Elizabeth and she is from south Africa. After  ten days, my mother returned home and I stayed. Elizabeth was nice and I wanted to believe it and give it a chance and finally I stayed there for 6 weeks, and have all had time to think. Then my mother came back to America and she picked me up and we went back to Rick. Eventually I decided to take it to Jesus as my savior. I did not want to go on this way of life anymore. I had no future ad this moment.

In March of that year I had an evolution interview with the office of labor in Holland and this men had to decide of my attitude was good enough to  holding any job... There would be no further appointment for 5 years as they could not see it happen that I ever would be able to work, our even study...

But the lord did a big miracle in my life!!! People are asking me how it came, and what Rick had done with me. Well I will tell you, he put me in the basement without food or drink, and  every day if I get out there for a short time and then I got hit, if I have not wanted to believe and still are autistic I had to back ha! No just kidding…

We just prayed every day! And we talked a lot. And then the Lord healed me of autism! And I was even baptized in the lake! I'm proud of myself that I've made the right choice. When I came back in the Netherlands nothing was the same anymore and many people could not believe their eyes! I feel very different and finally free.


The psychiatrist confirmed that I am healed and I can go back to school next year and have a future again! I am now working and living room and it goes well with me.


I have never experienced such wonderful things with God!

Hello,  I am Cindy.  The first thing I must tell you that no matter what I write here, words can never do justice to what God has done for me.  We truly do serve an AWESOME GOD!

 I want you to know that Rick is my brother, but my testimony is not about me and my brother, it is about me and a truly anointed man of God.  

Several weeks ago I started to experience some very deep feelings that I had never felt before.  I started to feel very sad and anxious about everything.   I did not want to go to work, I did not want to go to the store, I did not want to leave my house for anything.  It got so bad that I could no longer go to work.  All that I was able to do was sleep or pace in my house.  My whole body would shake and shudder.  I was having a hard time even talking.  When I tried to talk I would only end up stuttering.  I finally decided that I needed help of some kind.  I drove to my parents home and they immediately took me to a Doctor who diagnosed me with severe depressive and anxiety disorder.  She prescribed  anxiety pills and recommended a treatment program.  I started taking the pills immediately and often.  They would help only for a short while, then I would become extremely anxious again.  The treatment program that I enrolled in was several hours from my home, but only 40 minutes from my brothers so I decided to stay with him while attended treatment.  I will tell you that I was very apprehensive about staying with my brother.  I love him to death and totally admire him and all that he has done.  I knew that he would want to pray over me, but I really did not think it was for me.  Somewhere in the back of mind I wanted to hang on to the demons that were torturing me.  I just wanted to feel better and was counting on the treatment center to do that for me.  The first night that I stayed with Rick he asked if a friend of his could call me and pray for me.  I reluctantly agreed.  He did call and prayed for me.  It was such an immediate peace I never took another anxiety pill after that.  However I could also tell that there was still work to be done and I was now ready for Rick to work through the power of God to pray over me.  I was open to God’s plan for me now.  During the few weeks that I stayed with Rick, he always seemed to know the best time to pray over me and God always gave him the words, he knew exactly what it was that was binding me.  I was totally amazed at the immediate change I felt.  I was calm and I was not only smiling, but laughing.  I soon found that I could not help but find myself smiling and laughing in situations that before would have totally paralyzed me.  When I started the treatment program I had to do an assessment. It showed that on a scale of 1 to 40, I was at a 35 for depression and 36 for anxiety.  When I left the program my anxiety and depression were 3 and 7.  I learned some great coping skills through this program, BUT,  MAKE NO MISTAKE,  IT WAS GOD WHO HEALED ME, AND I WILL ALWAYS GIVE GOD THE GLORY.  Words really do not do justice to what God is doing through Rick and his ministry.   God has truly blessed my brother with an amazing gift and I will never stop praising him and thanking him for my dear brother.  

Thank you Rick and Julie for all your love, support and prayers.